Use a Time Capsule to Find your Dream Jobs
A time capsule is like a dream catcher. Instead of letting your life stories slip through your fingers, capture them and save them in a time capsule forever. Open the time capsule years later to see if some of your dreams come true. Write a “Message to the Future” letter to yourself about your predictions of where you will be in the future. What were your dream jobs as a kid? How have those answers changed over the years?
Do these statements sound familiar?
• “They grow up so fast.”
• “Where did the time go?”
• “How is it already May? Didn’t this year just start?”
• “There are not enough hours in the day.”
I am sure you have said one of these at least, especially if you are a parent. It seems like we live in a day and age where the stories we hear on media seem to have more importance than the stories in our lives. Our own stories are usually more encouraging and positive anyways, compared to the news. We need to stop teaching our children that the people on television and in media have lives you want to emulate. Make your own life headline.
Teach your children to be heroes, whose great acts of love, and service, we celebrate. Teach your children which stories to pay attention to and which ones are worth keeping and copying in the future, using a time capsule.
We may not make the front page of a local newspaper, but our very own time capsule can draw just as much attention to our lives, when friends and family see it and ask, “What is that?” or “So, what’s your story?” This will draw attention to you and what you have accomplished, or pushed through in life so far.
What were your dream jobs, as a kid, teenager, or adult? What do you want to be when you grow up? It would be so interesting to ask your child every year, and have them write down their answer on paper (to see how their handwriting changes over the years), until they graduate high-school. Save these answers in a decorative Baby Time Capsule. Also use the time capsule to pass on great advice to your children, like how to find your dream job. I enjoy connecting and building relationships with others on Linked In. Check out this helpful article to pass on to your kids and to help yourself, from Linked In at
What would you tell your children about how to be a star in the future? How can they be a positive headline at their future job? This lesson is an important life milestone moment between you and your child. Teach the early, the keys to success in life to achieve their dreams.
What advice would you give to your child, about their future job? Comment below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie
Credits: The first, main photo with the quote is at