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Do you need an extra 6-pack of Wedding Message To The Future Stationary? This is it! This extra pack is for your closest, loved family members and friends.
Put more Message To The Future letters into your time capsule for that special day when you as a married couple will celebrate a special anniversary or on the date you have chosen to open the time capsule. Get this extra pack so your extended family and friends can leave inspiring messages of hope, tell funny stories, or make predictions of your future as a married couple.
Read the Message to the Future letters, years later when you open the Wedding Time Capsule. What a special day that will be as you reminisce over the funny, meaningful, and sentimental letters, your closest friends and family members left in your time capsule. Did their predictions come true? Did you have the number of children that someone predicted you would have? I cannot think of a better way to remember what life was like they year you were married. Priceless and precious.
If you want help with ideas of what to write, to get started, check out our blog about: How to write a message to the future letter.
Here are some sample questions to answer in your letter to help get you started:
– Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20 years from now?
– What are your favorite quotes that get you by in life right now?
– Who do you call when you need encouragement?
– How do you know your friends are truly your friends in life? How do your friends treat you?
– How do you know “he” is the one to marry? Did anything change your mind as to why you married “him?”
– How do you stay calm during your arguments with friends or family? How will you react in the future?
– What do you enjoy doing the most right now? What will you enjoy doing in the future?
There are many different questions to answer in your own “Message to the Future,” depending on your age and what is going on in your life. Be creative. This is, after all, a personalized gift to yourself in the future….and possibly a personalized gift for your children to read in the future.