How to Teach your Kids to be Happy

How to Teach your Kids to be Happy


“You two look so happy together.” “How are you two so happy?” “It is so great to see a happy couple.”

These are messages my husband and I hear a lot when we are just walking around in the grocery store, or at random places, from strangers. We have heard this at least five times in our 10 year marriage so far. It is so sad to me that people are shocked to see happy people walking around, to the point that they feel they have to comment about it.

Working in counseling for years, taught me how unhappy so many people are in the world. I for one, will make sure my future child knows how to be happy, and the benefits of this lifestyle. I will be passing these happiness lessons to my future child in a decorative Baby Time Capsule from

Baby Time Capsule - Be Happy

Happiness is a Choice

It is not always easy to be happy, and just like our marriages it requires effort. Just remember we are all under construction. There are a lot of articles on the internet about how to be happy in our health, relationships, work, and life in general. Currently there is a challenge spreading around on social media about taking pictures of 100 Happy Days in your life. ‘Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?’ Check out the challenge at #100HappyDays

Happy List

Here at The Original Time Capsule company we want you to enjoy the moments and memories more that you have with your family, friends, co-workers, and strangers in life. We want you to create a list of how you stay happy in life, to pass on to your children in a Baby Time Capsule. When your child opens the time capsule in the future, it will be very helpful to see all the stories, quotes, life hacks, or other memorabilia you put in the time capsule to teach your adult child now how to continue to be happy in the many areas of their life. The following are suggestions of what I play to teach our future children, about how to be happy.

1. When you have nothing to hide in life, and walk with integrity no matter who is around, it is easier to be happy.

2. When you have a healthy self-esteem, it helps you increase your happiness and be grateful for many things in life.

3. When you learn to use your life and freedom for the good, it helps you build your confidence and happiness. Make your choices count towards your happy life. Live intentionally and love your work.

4. When you give back to others, it helps you build an intrinsic happiness that lasts for years to come. Other’s happiness brings you genuine happiness. Putting yourself in another person’s shoes, helps you keep your own problems in perspective.

Just be happy Quote

5. When you find an interest or hobby, to enjoy as an outlet you have something to run to giving you stress relief and therefore happiness in the end.

6. When you surround yourself with other happy people, you feed off of each other’s energy of joy, helping you live long, fulfilling lives. Spend more time with friends and family, because money truly cannot buy you happiness.

7. Practice smiling, so when you do not feel like it, it becomes a habit. Smiling makes us feel better, especially if you couple it with thinking positive thoughts. Practice gratitude and keep a journal of things you are grateful for. This would be a great journal to save in a time capsule, to reflect on years later in your life about how much you have changed and hopefully become more happy over time.

So how do you teach your children to be happy? Comment below.

Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie

Happiness Lives Here

Baby Time Capsule - Save Happiness