Save the Date you First Met, in a Time Capsule
Let’s Learn How to Save Audio Recordings in a Time Capsule – The Phone Call
This blog gives new meaning to “save the date.” Drumroll Please: (If you have been following this blog series of how I met my future wife) And now the moment you have been waiting for….the phone call to my future wife.
Over the next 3 weeks we emailed about every day. I’m not talking about these one or two sentence emails. I’m talking about pages and pages of emails. We talked about friends and family. We talked about how we grew up. We talked about church. We talked about music and movies. We talked about everything from what we ate that day to her college professors. We talked about what path our lives were on and what we saw for the future. We emailed about everything!
There comes a point when you decide that email is great, but in order to progress your relationship from being pen pals to actual friends, you have to at least talk on the phone. I finally asked her for her phone number to call. She gave her number to me and said she would be unavailable for a few days. This seemed like an eternity!
I waited several days for her to be available. It was a Thursday afternoon when she told me to call. I remember that I was sitting in my office and it took me a while to build up the courage to call. I have never been really good at talking with girls, but this was different. I wasn’t romantically involved with this girl, but somehow it seemed like I was. I felt close to her yet, I didn’t even really know her. This made things difficult in my mind. Still, I pushed through. I needed to hear this girls voice.
I dialed. The phone began to ring. She answered. My heart skipped a beat as I heard her answer. Her voice was light and playful. I said hello and told her who I was. She giggled playfully and told me that she had something come up and that I needed to call her at her parents house later that night. I took down the new number and hung up. The afternoon seemed to drag on forever, but I was ultimately pleased with the change. You see, while we lived in the same state, she was about an hour away and that meant that the number was long distance. Since she needed me to call her later that night, I could use my cell phone and not pay for the long distance. Since it was after 7:00 PM, it would even be in the scope of my free cell phone minutes. The only thing I liked better than talking to my new friend on the phone was doing it for free!
That night I called her a little after my free minutes kicked in. I wasn’t nearly as nervous this time. I dialed. It rang. Then it happened. . . Her dad answered. I was suddenly nervous again. I explained that I was a friend of Marcie’s and asked if she was there. He proceeded to yell, “Marcie, some guy is on the phone for you.” He then said, “Is this Steve?” I said, “Ummm, No.”
“George?” he continued.
“No,” I replied.
It was about this time that I could hear her in the background struggling for the phone saying things like, “Dad, Stop! Give me the phone! Quit! That is so embarrassing.”
He finally said, “Well, I don’t know which guy you are, but here she is” and he handed Marcie the phone.
I could hear the panic in her voice. She wasn’t sure how I would take this interaction. She apologized and explained that her father had a habit of embarrassing her. While I thought it was funny, I had to play like I was offended! “So, who is Steve, Kevin and George? Is one of them your boyfriend?” I could actually hear her shift her weight in embarrassment! Despite her embarrassment, we had a good conversation. Over the next few days and weeks we were able to get to know each other well. I learned how close she was to her family and how big a jokester her father actually was.
I didn’t realize it, but I was beginning to actually have feelings for this girl.
You know it is so easy to forget all these details if you do not write them down, let alone save those special ticket stubs with the date and time stamped from your first date or event where you met your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, etc.
Save your special items in a Wedding Time Capsule, as a lasting gift to your wife or husband. Get the wedding time capsule at
This is why we do what we do. We help you preserve even these special moments like the first phone call from when you met “the one.” Save the date, time, and recording of your first phone message in a Wedding Time Capsule, to listen to years later. With so many people out there with smart phones now, I wanted to offer this website as a help to teach you how to record your phone calls to save in a time capsule for years, to listen to and reminisce over when you are older or on that special 25th anniversary for your marriage. Check out how to record your phone calls at If you use another means to record your first phone call with that someone special, make sure you have a means to listen to it back years later in the future.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
Credits: Featured Photo taken from