Drive-In Movie Theater Memories are like a Time Capsule

Drive-In Movie Theater Memories are like a Time Capsule

Drive in Movie Theater Wedding

The Ultimate Time Capsule Atmosphere

If you are interested in nostalgia, then when was the last time you went to a drive-in theater? The experience of watching a movie outside in the back of your pick-up truck or car, brings back so many great memories. The start above you, as you wrap up in a light blanket with your pillow to prop up your back, just enough to watch the latest movie. A drive-in theater is like a time capsule, it can take you back several years, and help you relive and recelebrate the great old times.

A couple of weekends ago, my husband and I decided to go out on a date. The night was perfect. You could see shooting starts as we watched movies at the Tibbs drive-in theater in Indianpolis. We had our candy and snacks ready to go. The popcorn smell was fresh in the air. We had our car perfectly positioned, as we began to reminisce. Warmer weather is officially here, when the drive-in open. So many are closing down, due to lack of funding for updates, and it sadens us.

Drive-In are Where Many Childhood Memories are Born

Drive-ins are where many families bonded with a picnic while watching their favorite movies. It is an atmosphere of euphoria and laughter, as some of us try to live vicariously through our favorite actors or actresses we are watching on the big screen. What do you remember the most about drive-in movie theaters? It is a place where you can stay up late, and not get in trouble, especially if you are with your parents. It is the one theater you can talk during the movie, and not annoy others watching. You turn to the radio station, to hear the sound of the movie, and then turn it up as loud as you want. Many old drive-in theaters have archade games and a playground, for children to enjoy. You can also use your cell phones or tablets at a drive-in, and not have to worry about annoying anyone. It is so much fun. Make sure you take plenty of fun pictures while you and your kids are at the drive-in theater.

Drive in Movies

What To Take To The Drive-In Theater

For a great evening of family fun, make sure you use this helpful checklist, so you will be able to enjoy your movie night at the drive-in.

1. Blankets
2. Pillows
3. Air mattress for the back of your pick-up truck (make sure you measure first to get the right size)
4. Pajamas
5. All necessities you may need for your baby with you.
6. Window cleaner and paper towels to clean your window as clear as possible to watch your movie.
7. Bug or mosquito spray
8. Lawn chairs
9. Headphones or a portable radio
10. Jumper cables (just in case your car battery runs low at the end of the night)
11. Cash for the enticing snack bar
12. Drinks (in a cooler preferably)
13. Trash bag
14. Coloring books and cards or games for kids during the parent’s movie time.
15. Flashlight
16. Eat supper before you come, or pack your own picnic food.
17. Camera or your cell phone (with a built in camera) to take fun photos before the movies start for the evening, to remember your family experience and keep in a time capsule. They may not have drive-in movie theaters in the future, unfortunately. So preserve this fun memory with pictures.

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How to Keep Memories and Drive-In Theaters Alive

Support your local small businesses. As a small business ourselves, we understand the hardships that come when technology forces places like the drive-in theaters to upgrade, or close down. Have fun and support your local drive-in theater, and go see the next movie playing with your family. Again, similar to a time capsule, the drive-in theater takes you back to your past. Help resurrect the drive-in theaters around your local town or city. One engaged couple had their wedding at a drive-in theater. Talk about a milestone moment to capture in the wedding time capsule from The Original Time Capsule company. Check out their story of how they made a drive-in wedding theme at

Pack your car full of friends and family to bond with, and make special memories at the same time. Save your ticket stubs to preserve these good times in a time capsule. It just may remind you, years down the road, when you open your time capsule, of your most favorite movie you ever saw with your first girlfriend in your life. What a special moment that will be to reminisce about that time, years later into the future. To find a drive-in theater near you go to and put in your zip code. Have fun!

What are some of your drive-in movie theater memories? Comment below.

Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie

Credits: Drive-In Theater Photo. For an awesome Bed & Breakfast date with a nearby Drive-In theater, check out