Creative Ways to Turn Trash to Treasure

Creative Ways to Turn Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure

Let’s learn creative ways to turn trash to treasure. Please do not ever take a day for granted. I know this may seem like a strange way to start this blog, but I am having a moment thinking about my family and issues going on health wise. It can be hard to watch our loved ones before us go through tough times. I like to have things to look through to bring up the good memories with my loved ones. It is a great way to reminisce and be grateful for what you have and how far you have come in life.

So what does this have to do with turning trash into treasure. Sometimes you do not know what you have until it is gone. So, what are some creative ways to preserve heirlooms, which may seem like trash to others. Sometimes, what may look like trash to you has great meaning or a story to others.

Have you ever been to Goodwill or Salvation Army stores. There are many different things in those stores, that you may not have seen for years. To some, the trinkets you may find in these stores are long lost treasures, to others they are things that just take up space in your home, or trash.

Sometimes when you look at something, you may say just throw it away. However for many pollution conscience, or the crafty types, they may say keep it and make something out of it that you would want to keep. Turn your trash into treasure.

With the increased use of social media and the internet, there are plenty of websites to find different ways to turn trash into treasure. If you are like me and hooked on Pinterest, you are doomed to spend an entire day looking at ideas. Check out some of our favorite suggestions of creative ways to turn trash to treasure.

Heirloom Picture Frame - Trash to TreasureFound on



1. Preserve Old Jewelry

Instead of just giving away or throwing away your grandmother’s old jewelry, take a look at this creative idea. Put it in a picture frame to display on you wall. You could even add a remembrance quote below the jewelry that says something special about your grandmother when she wore her ring or necklace.

2. Preserve an Old Watch

 Don’t throw away that old watch, save it and turn it into something more meaningful to wear like a decorative bracelet. Wear it as something that can be treasured forever and remind you of a loved one who is always with you. Take out the clock part of the watch, and insert a photo in the middle of your loved one.

Watch Redesign - Trash to Treasure


3. Preserve Old Wood Pallets

Every now and then I see someone post a photo of how to use an old wood pallet in a creative way. I am a sucker for DIY crafts using pallets. Check out this creative  idea. Use it to plant your herbs this Spring. What a great idea. Instead of just burning that wood pallet and making a bonfire, turn it into something usable.

Wood Pallet - Trash to Treasure

4. Preserve Old Jars

Have you ever thought about the many different craft ideas you can do with old jars around your house? What if you used them as a conversation piece and put decorative ribbons, flowers, stones, or a candle in them? Check out another idea here. Each day your child, spouse, or yourself comes home from work, write on a small piece of paper a specific memory or thing that happened to you that day. Don’t forget to add the date. Then on New Years you can take the time to easily reflect on your year, by opening the jar and reading all of your comments. This is like a time capsule. If you want, you can also get an “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule here, and put pictures or artwork on the outside of the tin, then put in your notes throughout the year in it, to open at the end of the year. You can make a Family Time Capsule, Graduation Time Capsule, Memorial Time Capsule, Charity Time Capsule, or anything you want from the “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule.

Jar - Trash to Treasure


Any Occasion DIY Time Capsule


Today is the day to get started and make trash more meaningful. You can even make your own crafts out of trash, and keep them in your time capsule. Show yourself how proud of yourself you were, years later, when you open your time capsule and see how you helped save the planet by turning trash into a treasured craft.

What trash have you turned into treasure? Share your ideas below.

Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie