Letter to my Unborn Child
Carpe Diem or Seize the Day!
This is a letter to my unborn child. It is like a “Message to the Future” letter I would include in my decorative Baby Time Capsule, for her to open and read when she grows up. When she opens her own Baby Time Capsule, I hope she finds inspiration in this letter, and looks forward to reading the rest of the letters I will include. Also she can reminisce about what life was like when she was born, while reading the letters, as she finds her favorite teddy bear from her childhood in the Baby Time Capsule, or other nostalgic items. you too, can write a similar letter to your unborn child or blessed baby now, with a Baby Time Capsule from www.timecapsule.com.
“Message to the Future”
Dear future child,
I want to name you Trinity. I am a woman who has made mistakes, but feels like I have also been taught to give my all in everything I do. I want to be able to pass that lesson in life on to you too. It is hard to do that when you have not gotten pregnant yet. It hurts, as we keep trying. I have seen years of great lessons my parents have taught my brothers and I and now I want to have a baby to pass on these lessons to you.
I am just writing and thinking out loud about all my thoughts in this moment, to let you know what life is like for me right now. Sometimes we get so busy in life that we do not stop to think about how today will affect our future. I know as my future child, I want you to understand what life is really like at this time in my life, so you know what to expect yourself. I do not want you to one day wonder what it was life for your mother when she was trying to get pregnant. I do not want you to not feel like you knew your real mother, even during her dull days of life. All days are important, because the boring times can even shape who you are by what you do in your spare time. Some lessons in life I would like to pass on to you are:
- Never take one day for granted. You never know what will happen from day to day in your life.
- Always keep learning and surround yourself by those who are wiser than you.
- Do not ever put anyone down. We are all humans and make mistakes. Instead, help someone who may be being bullied or struggling.
- Try to make learning fun, when you do not understand something. It helps you remember what you are learning, and encourages you to learn more.
- Do not ever give up. Nothing is accomplished by giving up on projects, school, work, or life.
- Spend more time with your family and friends, instead of worrying about “keeping up with the Joneses.”
- Help others in life. You grow more financially, mentally, and emotionally when you serve others and walk with integrity and empathy.
- Preserve your memories to pass on to your children and grandchildren. Find ways to keep your family traditions alive. That is what helps families continue to bond together, now matter how many generations apart.
- Do what you love. Be able to wake up each morning and say, “I cannot wait to go to work.” When you love what you do, it is not just a “job.”
- Keep like minded people around you to motivate, tell you the truth, and guide you to better your life.
- Whatever happens in the future social media wise, keep your nose clean. You never know who is watching. Not only are you representing yourself, but you are representing me and your dad as your family and how you were taught as well. Represent us all well.
- Treat yourself and your body with love. Take care of your own self-esteem. You can only keep giving to others, as long as you keep giving to yourself.
- Remember to keep a journal or blog for your future child. I could go on and on, but I will add more as I continue to get the strength to blog to you.
Sometimes it is hard to share your heart. Sometimes it is hard to keep giving of yourself when you do not feel you are being given back to. Sometimes you have to do things you do not want to do. Do everything with 110% effort. Live as if each day is your last.
I love you and cannot wait to write my next letter to you.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie (mommy)