About our Company

About our Company

DIY Time Capsule

We wanted to take the time to write a blog about our company. We work with many other business and wanted to reach out to them in a more personal way as well.


We purchased the business because we enjoy helping others preserve their memories and reminiscing about nostalgic times and items in life.  I, Marcie, had my own private practice in counseling. I enjoyed working with youth and young adults. I realized the need for families to keep traditions alive and the importance of bonding through that, especially in our fast, instant world. I listened to all kinds of stories with clients. That is what the time capsule is all about, telling your story or talking about your greatest life achievements. I love all aspects of this company and what it stands for daily. We are a family owned business.

In counseling, I cringed at the number of parent’s giving up on helping their children, or forgetting to pass on traditions, wise life messages and lessons, or bonding activities. So, I loved the concept of the time capsule business and have so many other ideas of where to take this company, but need guidance, finances, and contacts. I even see the time capsule idea giving back to organizations I worked with, like Adoption agencies, or a DIY time capsule for Domestic Violence survivors, to open years later and see where they have come from and have accomplished. These time capsules can be used by major motivational speakers in all different fields. What motivates me is how these time capsules can motivate others in life.

INSPIRATION: – How you came up with the idea to start this business?

Our friend and the original owner, Jeff McCarty, had a love for fine art, graphics design, and memorabilia, which inspired him to create the time capsules. He has one for every year of his life, because his mother collected them for him. As a teenager, he wanted to collect all his high-school memorabilia and save it for years into the future. He wondered one day, why can’t we have time capsules for major life events, such as births or weddings, to open later in life. Then, the milestone collection of time capsules was born.

We bought the company seeing Jeff’s vision, and then wanting to expand on it with several new items, including the “Any Occasion” DIY  DIY time capsule, because we believe many people need to appreciate their family and major life milestones more. Technology seems to be taking over, and people are forgetting what is important in life. We wanted a way to slow down, and to reminisce, so you never forget where you came from or what you accomplished using a time capsule. The “Any Occasion” DIY time capsule is meant to commemorate a special moment or event. These time capsules are all about nostalgia.

About our company - Inspiring Business Quote


One of the major obstacles for us was unloading trucks without a loading dock. We created, designed, and built a truck unloading platform to quickly and easily move the boxes from our truck to the storage space. This cut our truck labor time in half, while making the work easier as well. While we could have purchased a similar device for several thousand dollars, in the form of a forklift or conveyor belt, building one ourselves saved us $1900.00 or more, and only took a few hours to make. We operate our company with frugality, while not compromising quality. We believe corporate America as a whole, wastes too much money on unnecessary and overpriced equipment. If you think creatively, you can make it happen. We hope this lesson helps a fellow entrepreneur reading this blog today. We like to inspire others who are seeking to grow their own business as well.


At this point in time, the company has no employees, as it is just my husband and I. Currently we celebrate a company milestone, by going to dinner or having a date night at the movies. In the future, when we have employees, we would like to have a company time capsule for each year the company operates and for every employee to make contributions to the time capsule.


As The Original Time Capsule company, let me tell you a story that showcases our brand. Angie called our office to order a second baby time capsule. She and her husband were told almost 16 years ago they could not get pregnant. Three months later, they were pregnant. Angie is now pregnant with their second child. When their first daughter turns 16 in a few weeks, they will present her with the first time capsule. Three weeks after their first daughter’s birth, Angie’s grandfather passed away. Before he died, he wrote Angie’s first child a “Message to the Future” (TM) and placed it inside her time capsule. What a precious moment that will be when Angie’s daughter opens her time capsule and finds her great grandfather’s hand-written letter to her with a picture of him holding her in the hospital. Memories like this are the original legacy that we leave our customers. Each time capsule is original in of themselves, as they are personalized with love.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little more. We will be following up with this blog with a little more about us as the owners in a few days. Stay tuned to learn more about who we are behind your product – the time capsule.


Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Mark & Marcie