Ways to Stay Young Forever
People grow up. People change. I am sure you have some friends that you played with as a child that you no longer see. Do you ever wonder what happened to them Now, thanks to social media we can look up some of our old long, lost friends if we want to. It is such a nostalgic feeling when you see them again, even online.
A part of you became who you are because of your old friends, or because of an old boyfriend. Have you ever gone through your old journals or diaries, and jumped back in time to see what you were thinking back in 2010, 2000, or earlier in your life. It is so much fun to read your old journal and realize how far you have come. Who all influenced your life in your past? You may not even know until you open your old diary and see who your wrote about the most.
Some people are scared to grow up because they are afraid they will lose their innocence or fun youth about themselves. Every now and then I like to go swing on a swing at a local park myself. Write a journal or diary now, even if you have never had one, so that you can look back at it 10 years from now and see how life has changed. How do you think you will answer specific questions differently 10 years from now compared to today.
Cherish your friendships. There is nothing like it. Great friends are so rare. Friends help keep you young, as you all reminisce about old memories. We all try to look and feel young. Here are some tips on how to do that.
1. There are many people online who talk about the antioxidants in Green Tea that help keep you young (and not get wrinkles). Read this article to learn more about Green Tea and how it can help you.
2. Walking with confidence helps you stay happy. Meditating on positive affirmations can help us talk and stand with confidence, and fight off our worries at the same time. A cheerful heart really is good medicine, and can laughter can help take away the worries and keep you young. Surround yourself with positive friends, who help lift your spirits on a daily basis and keep you young as well.
3. Drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of sleep can also help keep you and your skin young. Your body craves water. I used to hate drinking water, but now after I forced myself to get off of soda, and drink water more, I feel fantastic and have much more energy, making me feel young again.
4. Find something you like to do each week to decrease your stress levels. Lowering your stress levels and getting rid of toxins in your body will help you have an increase in energy let alone, help you be happier each day and keep you feeling young. What do you like to do for fun?
5. Reminisce with family and friends and open an old photo album. You can also make your own time capsule, to open years later and see how you all have changed. What photos would you keep in a time capsule for your family or yourself? What items are in your closet, basement, or garage that need to be put in a safe place as some of the most important letters you have received in life, or souvenirs you have received? Place them in a time capsule, as you tell the story of each item. This will take you back in time as you tell the story to your children or grandchildren in the future about what life was like when you were a kid. That will keep you young, even 10 years from now when you open the time capsule again.
You can get your own “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule here now. Get started today. Print your own photos you would like to put on the outside of the DIY time capsule. Decorate it with writing, artwork, stickers, or anything else you see fit that describes you or your family right now. Then, put in some of your most treasured items that represent your life right now. After that, write a letter to yourself or have family members write a letter to the future, making predictions about what life will be like for you or your family 10 or 20 years from now. Then decide on a date to open the time capsule again in the future. Put that date on the lid. Then, set your beautifully decorated time capsule out on your fireplace mantle or hide it in your closet, so you forget about it.
What keeps you young today? Comment below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie