Tips to Organize Paperwork Memories
Let’s learn together tips to organize paperwork memories. I told myself I was going to do Spring cleaning this year. It is now Summer. So I procrastinated a little. Don’t we all, especially if you are a mother. Life can get so busy. When I think I have time to do things I need to or want to, something else comes up. I am sure you can relate.
What do you do with your containers full of sentimental papers from you childhood, school years, or your own child’s projects from school? I am looking at a container full of things that have been hard to let go, but now is the time. I have to figure out what to keep and what to get rid of.
So as you look around your house, what papers, letters, certificates, etc still have special meaning to you? Where do you store them?
This is a list of all kinds of things to save in a time capsule, as far as paperwork and stationary mementos.
- old newspapers
- magazines
- trending games on paper (crossword puzzles, or games like the old one we played as a teenager that was popular called MASH, or those origami fortune tellers, etc)
- paper dolls or other popular fun toys made of paper (paper hats, paper boats, your first paper airplane as a child that you made, etc)
- cards you received over the years in life
- certificates
- excerpts from favorite books
- your online stats from your current social media pages (imagine what your numbers will be 10, 20, or 50 years from now).
- old report cards
- children’s favorite artwork and coloring page
- journal pages
- old bills
- old receipts
- important documents for your home, car, insurance, work, etc.
- hanging paper decorations left over from a favorite party you had
- crafts you made out of paper yourself
- favorite photos
- any laminated paperwork that means something to you (like your family tree for example)
- etc
We can all use a great idea of how to organize paperwork, let alone memories that are hard to throw away. Your child comes home every day from school and empties their backpack. It is full of papers. As I watch children come home with all these memories, I reminisce about a few papers I wish I would have saved in life. What was the first coloring page you did as a child? What was your first artwork you made? Do your remember how old you were?
Stop using large bins, cardboard boxes, or just throwing things in a pile. Instead select the most important and favorite paperwork that means something to your child and then put those items in a decorative Baby Time Capsule. Then once school is over, and your child graduates high-school, give them their very own Baby Time Capsule to open. Can you imagine the look on their face when they open it up and see their first grade report card, their first story they wrote in school as an assignment? It could be a fun and embarrassing graduation party as the time capsule is opened in front of family and friends reminiscing about what life was like when your child was born and went through their school years. I still have my first diary from elementary school. It is a treasured memento even today. It is fun to see or read how much you have changed over the years and who all was a great influence in your life.
Let your kids decide what to keep and what to throw away so you do not feel guilty as a mother trying to decide what to put in the time capsule.
Get your Baby Time Capsule today
here to get started now. What other paperwork would you keep in a time capsule for your child in the future? Comment below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie