Share your Life Story or Memoir

Share your Life Story or Memoir – Be a Memory Maker


What is your life story or memoir? We all have a story. What is yours? Do not just live your life day by day, instead capture it in different ways to pass on to future generations or your grandchildren. We are all here for a reason. Share your purpose in life with others, because you just may help someone who needs to hear it the most.

As you go throughout your day today, remember each person you pass by has a story. Each story shapes who they are. How do you know if you can relate, if you do not tell your story? How do you know if you can encourage them, if you do not open up and tell them your story? What are you doing with what life has given to you, to help someone else in need?

With changes in technology and living in the fast, internet world, it can be difficult at times to remember to slow down, make a connection with someone, and share your story.

From your first love, first vacation, first success, first time of courage, first pregnancy, to the other countless times you have worked somewhere, failed, tried, and grew as a person in life. Share your story with others. Tell us one of your life stories in the comments below. We love to see photos from our fans to on our social media pages. Visit us on Facebook at and share your story.

Your story matters. There is power in sharing your most authentic self to others, let alone your own children or grandchildren. Bless someone else with your stories of good and bad times. We hope to inspire just one person through this blog to go out and share your story, go make an “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule to preserve your important life story, to pass on to your children or grandchildren years later when they need to hear it, or when they need to have insight about a specific topic they are facing themselves. Get your own “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule to preserve mementos and memorabilia in to help describe your story years later. Get your time capsule here.

Any Occasion DIY Family Time Capsule


 Tips to Share Your Life Story

When working in the counseling field with several children, teenagers, and young adults, I was able to hear many different stories. Telling your story can be so freeing. Also telling your story can make a moment of excitement be even more fun. Your story is important.

Learn more about how to write your life story or memoir here.

1. Think about what to write.

Go through old photo albums and look around your home. What represents who you are? Even your clothes and the colors in your home help describe you and your life story. Gather tangible items that mean a lot to you. Start writing down a few sentences about those memorable treasures around you. Think about everything in your past that has helped shape who you are today. Ask friends and family what words they think best describes you. Put together your own autobiography.

2. Think about milestone moments in your life.

Start writing down one or two words that describe milestone moments in your life. Start writing sentences using these words. Do not worry about being perfect, because that is what makes you, you. You can even write with the intent of writing to your future self and where you want to be in life 10 or 20 years from now. This is a great way to get in the mindset of talking about life lessons, and what you would want to pass on to your children or grandchildren. This is the whole point of the “Message to the Future” letters included with the “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule. What a great keepsake gift to treasure for years.

3. Make a list of all your successes and failures in life.

A list can help us make sure we covered our main points in our life story. As you write your paragraphs in your life story, check off the success or failure. Remember we are all human, so it is ok if we made mistakes in or life. Push yourself to use your stories to help better your life, or help someone else now. It will be rewarding in the end. Pay it forward.

So again, tell us one or two sentences that would describe your life story in the comments below.


Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie