How to Make Your Day Slower
Days go by fast. Let’s learn how to make your day slower. I don’t know about you, but when I am working throughout the day, the days fly by. I have so many things going on that many times I forget what even happened during the day. What did I accomplish? What memories were made? Here are 10 suggestions on how to make your day slower.
1. As each hour goes by, think of one thing you are thankful for and write it down. It has a side benefit of keeping you positive at work and home.
2. Turn your clock backwards for a day. Look around your home and find mementos or heirloom items to reminisce about.
3. Purposely do something boring. Everyone is different, but here are some suggestions.
- Actually watching the commercials during a favorite tv show.
- Hand washing dishes.
- Folding a large pile of laundry.
4. Recently I have been trying to lose weight. One suggestion that has helped is, eating your meal all alone and without the tv on. It helps you concentrate on the food you are eating and the fact that time seems slower when you are alone and quiet.
Slow down time or the years of your baby’s life by saving their special mementos and other items that relate to their milestone moments in life. Save your baby’s first shoes, first outfit worn, or favorite toy in a Baby Time Capsule. Get your own Baby Time Capsule here.
5. Set up a special day for yourself in the future. When you get extra excited about something, it seems to take time and the days you are waiting through, drag on forever. It is like Christmas for adults. Set up something to look forward to doing int he future.
6. Remember the days as a kid of laying outside at night to look at the stars? Quiet time is relaxing. Set up a blanket and try to find galaxies or make pictures out of the stars at night or the clouds during the day. This is a great way to make memories and learn how to make you day slower.
7. Watch a tv show or movie that you have already seen several times. When we know what is going to happen, it seems to slow down time during the movie.
8. Clean out a room in your house or garage that you have been meaning to do for a long time now. When we have to do projects we don’t want to do, it seems to take forever. It is Spring, and I have been wanting to get our basement cleaned and organized. Sometimes you don’t know what you have in your home until you clean.
9. Spend some time with people who seem to be living a slow daily life. One of my brothers has a very patient personality. Being around a grandparent can also be down time, as they may have to walk slower to get their groceries. You may even hear some great wisdom from them, as you spend time with them.
It is valuable to slow down time, to enjoy your grandparent’s stories and wisdom. Slowing down helps us listen better in life.
10. Sometimes parents wish they could stop time or at very least slow it down. The final idea on how to make you day slower, is to take a longer than normal walk with your kids. When you go further than you expect, it seems like time takes longer until you get back home. Again, while walking with your kids you are slowing down to make more memories.
So what ideas do you have to help slow down time? Comment below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie