Creative Ways to Teach Future Generations
Learn about creative ways to teach future generations about today. Have you ever thought about what the world will be like in the future. What are some creative ways to teach future generations about today? What are you doing today, that you may no longer be doing 20 or 30 years from now? Think about it. What are you holding in your hand right now? My guess is a cell phone, or you are are on a laptop. Will that exist in the future?What is your day job, and how do you think it will be different in the future? How will teaching or schools be educating students 10, 50, or 100 years from now?
There are already so many new technologies and opportunities to inspire, lead, shape, and help people discover how to make new connections, engage students, solve problems, and create fun learning environments redefining education and future careers, and changing the future.
I remember I could not wait for the bookmobile to come to our school. They always had the coolest books. Remember going to the library all the time just to get homework done. Now that is a thing of the past. There are now so many books online, free downloadable activity books, coloring pages, or other similar things I remember from the bookmobile. Also, the internet is flooded with information to help students get their homework done. I remember feeling like I could not survive as a child without a computer at home. Now students are assigned their own tablets for school in addition to books they may have to buy for classes, and that is for elementary schools. I am not even discussing college students.
1. Share Your Stories of Past with Your Children
It is so amazing how things change so fast. Many times we get so busy in our day to day, that we forget what we did yesterday. I am someone who firmly believes you can gain respect and help your kids be grateful for what they have, by teaching them what it was like when you were a kid. I remember hearing my parents start their stories, “When I was a kid….” Back in the past, I remember thinking, “oh boy here comes another childhood story.” Sometimes you do not realize how special your elders and mentors are until you leave their house, grow up, and/or have children of your own. Now, I know why they told me all those stories.
2. Message to the Future
Can you imagine if we could show our kids what their life would look like in the future, if they keep up their current habits and lifestyle. I am sure there are many nurses and doctors who wish they could get through to the children of today about how unhealthy some food are and could go on the rant about how we are super sizing our kids with food today. What about all the extra undue stress that the world is putting on our children too. Is there something you would like to say to your child about how to reduce stress now, so their lives will be better or less anxiety ridden in the future. If you could write a letter to them to read when they are a baby, and when they become a teenager, they get to read it, what would you say to them? Also, include words of encouragement, happy stories, and advice for other areas of life they may face in the future.
3. Make a Video about the World Today
Since everyone is using videos nowadays, why not make your own about what the world is like around us today. Include significant people in your life, in the video. Ask them different questions, interview style, about what they think the future will look like. I am sure it will be interesting for those of the future to watch the video again and see if any of your predictions came true. You could also create your own family blog and write about different current topics each day. It would be interesting to see how fast the trending topics change over the years, while reading the blogs in the future.
4. Make a Time Capsule
Preserve some of the most important items you think the future generations would appreciate in a time capsule. You can buy an “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule from and design it however you want on the outside. It is a nice tin that you can draw on with markers, paint on, attach scrapbooking type embellishments on, ribbon, stickers, etc. The sky’s the limit. You can call the time capsule anything you want. For example, “My Life” Time Capsule. These time capsules are not meant to be buried, but instead to display on a shelf in a special room in your house as a reminder of your world today, to give to future generations or your own children in the future, for when they too ask, “what was it like when you were a kid?”
So what was life like when you were a child? Comment below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie