Accomplish Your Dream Goals

Accomplish Your Dream Goals

Someday I will…Your someday starts today…accomplishing your goals.

We have all said it, “Someday I will ____________.” Fill in the blank. As we grow up or meet different people, it is interesting the different goals that life’s path gives us. Sadly, many of us get caught up in this microwave, instant world of daily grind, and we rarely have time to do the things that we wish we could do “someday.” My Somedays… Someday I will complete a scrapbook.

Someday I will learn to ride a horse.

Someday I will eat dinner at a table.

Someday I will buy a new car.

We all want to know how to accomplish your dream goals. We here at The Original Time Capsule company, are very purpose driven. There are many great books out there discussing this topic, like “The One Thing” by Gary Keller, but we want you to capture your goals in a time capsule. Then we want you to set a goal date to open the time capsule, and see how much you have accomplished 25 years later.

What a way to congratulate yourself from where you have come in the past. You can also celebrate, as you look at those meaningful gifts from inspiring people you met throughout your life, to help motivate you to work toward those goals, like a certificate you earned at a job, your promotional letter, a plaque, degree, ect (all of which you keep in your time capsule) and display proudly in your home or work office.

Keep your daytimer planner and goals/tasks book for one year of work or life, to tell you 25 years from now when you open your time capsule, what all you did and what life was like then. When you open that time capsule, you will realize that you achieved your “someday,” that day.

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” — Lao Tzu

Now there is a fortune cookie message to keep in your time capsule. Read more about this topic: Achieve Your Dreams: 6 Steps to Accomplish Your Goals and Resolutions By Susan M. Heathfield at:

May all your dreams come true “today” not “someday!”

Making Milestone Moments Count,