10 Ways to Revive the Dying Art of a Time Capsule

10 Ways to Revive the Dying Art of a Time Capsule

Any Occasion DIY Time Capsule

Let’s learn how to revive the dying art of a time capsule. Remember making a time capsule as a kid? You know absence really does make the heart grow fonder. There are many different ways to express the use of a time capsule, which is a dying art, to those you love and care about. In our fast, instant, busy world we think we do not have time to do things the old way and connect or reconnect with our past. Some things, yes, take a lot of our time. For example if you go all out and make a great scrapbook, it can be time consuming. That is why our company wanted to help those who are busy to relive their past, and decrease their guilt and shame for not having time to make a scrapbook for their child. That is why our company created the decorative time capsule. We have baby time capsules, wedding time capsules, and “Any Occasion” DIY time capsules for everyone to reconnect with this dying art.

There are at least 15 ways to revive the dying art of a time capsule starting today.

1. Send a heartwarming hello or an actual card to someone you love today. It only takes a few minutes especially if you are already going to the store to get groceries. Why not drop by the actual card section, and get an unexpected loving card for someone special and let them know you are thinking about them.

2. Talk with your grandmother or grandfather and get their favorite recipe to write down. You don’t even have to talk for long, just let them know you are wanting to keep traditions alive, and revive the lost art of the time capsule by passing on your favorite recipe to their grandchildren.

3. Take a few minutes and write down one thing that inspired you or made you laugh each day this week, on your day planner. It would only take one minutes to 5 minutes to think and write. What a cool, quick journal to reflect back on at the end of the year, which is like reviving the lost art of a time capsule.

4. Cut out a great newspaper article that motivated you, helped you, or just made you laugh and keep it in a safe place to reflect on at the end of the year. This may be something that even helped you find your new job.

5. Write down your favorite tv shows or movies you watch this year. When a new show comes on, get the paper out and just jot down the title of the show. It would be interesting to reflect on this list at the end of the year, to see what shows helped you wind down in the evenings, or made you laugh.

Baby Time Capsule - Keepsake Heirlooms - Fun with No Electricity

6. Sometimes even the little things we can take for granted, like our daily to do lists. We can get so busy we forget to enjoy the moment while doing our chores. Don’t just take them for granted, but instead recognize their value by saving your to do lists in a special photo album to reflect on what you did every day this past year, at the end of this year. You may just be surprised how much you forgot you did throughout the year. You also may be surprised how much you discover that you really are “Super Mom.”

7. For each season, go outside and gather one item to represent that season. Save these tangible items in your time capsule from https://www.timecapsule.com.

8. Call a friend and quickly say hello and play them a song over the phone letting them know how much it reminds you of them and how thankful you are for them.

9. Celebrate a milestone moment in your life by going back to your childhood days of feeling proud and take the time to make a fast celebration cake. You have come a long way and deserve it. The only time it takes is mixing it together, if you get a quick boxed cake. The oven does the rest of the time making the cake, so it doesn’t take that long to celebrate your own life moment.

10. We all have 24 hours in a day. What are you doing with your 24 hours? Make your time count with your children especially. If you actually calculate the time it takes to read them a book, it is really not that much time. So go ahead, take 15 minutes and read to your child this evening before bed. It may be the best 15 minutes you feel you get to have with them before they get older and decide they do not have time for you because they are busy too.

So what did you spend your time doing today? Revive the lost art of time capsules, by doing things the old fashioned way sometimes. It may help you live a life without regrets in the future.


Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie