10 Mementos to Save your Baby’s First Year

10 Mementos to Save your Baby’s First Year

keepsake mementos

You have been waiting nine months. Some of you have been waiting much, much longer to have a baby. So what are the top things you would save from your baby’s first year of life?

You want to record and treasure every moment of your baby’s firsts.

1. Sounds – Baby’s First Words

A picture is worth a thousand words, but what is a picture without sound? With all the new technology now, there are plenty of opportunities to capture the sounds of your baby’s first giggle, splash in the tub, burp, yawn, first babblings, etc. Use your imagination and make sure to record their first sounds.

2. First Steps – Save the Baby Shoes

Make sure to save your baby’s first shoes when he or she first learned to walk. It is a much anticipated milestone moment, and the beginning of a new adventure for your child. Save their shoes to remember this special day.

3. Favorite Bath Toy or stuffed animal

What did your baby play with the most, when little? Do you even remember? Pick one of your baby’s favorite bath toys or stuffed animals to save, so when you child is grown up he or she will know what was important in life at that age. You could even take a picture of your child once per month next to the stuffed animal to show growth in relation to the size of the toy.

4. Month by Month first year Journal or Memory Book

The days go by so fast. Make sure to take at least 10 minutes every month to sit down and recap what all happened with your baby. Save these special pages of milestone moments and information in a personalized journal for your baby. Make sure to write things about yourself, the parent, too.

Baby Hand Print Kit - Handprint kit impression

5. Record Special Events or Achievements

There are constantly video recorders around us now. Even if you do not have one, make sure to borrow a friend’s recorder for those important moments you want to save forever. Record your child’s fun moments of growth. From crawling, to walking, to throwing the food on the floor it all shows the development and learning of your child’s mind. Make sure to record your thoughts or what you are thinking in the background, as the mother or father. Also make sure to save the newspaper from the date your child was born, and the baby announcement in the paper. This will really help your child know what life was like when he or she was born, years later.

6. Baby’s Likes and Dislikes

You baby cannot remember what his or her likes or dislikes are, so make sure to write them out in a special scrapbook or journal. What a special day it would be to be able to look back at this list after the baby is an adult, and see how their likes or dislikes have remained the same or changed. Have their eating habits changed, or are they still as picky as they were in the past.

7. Sentimental Photographs

Photographs help capture emotion in a moment. Take pictures of baby’s first teeth coming in, first time walking, first hair bow, first time eating solid food, first time with Santa, etc. Also save a picture of their nursery. The ideas are endless. The first year really is loaded with many milestone moments, so make sure to capture as many as possible with pictures.

8. Baby’s Hand Print or Foot Print

They are only young once. So how do you keep them young? Capture their baby or hand print in a decorative tin, to save for years. It would be so much fun, years later, to compare how much your baby has grown based on the size of their hand or foot. You can get a great, unique Baby Hand Print kit from https://www.timecapsule.com/product/milestone-collection-baby-handprint-kit/.

9. Other Tangible Items to Treasure

Make sure to save their lock of hair, hospital bracelet, first mittens, baby blanket, first outfit worn when coming home from the hospital the first day, first birthday candle, hospital cards and notes, etc. Make sure to also save important items from you, the parents, which will help tell the birth story to your grown child some day. For example, save your pregnancy test, your notes of what you have been eating or not eating during your pregnancy, and your intimate thoughts in a journal you saved during the past nine months.

Baby Time Capsule - Milestone Moments


10. A Letter to your Future Child

After your baby’s first year, you will probably have a great idea of his or her unique personality. How do you see yourself in your child? Do you notice any resemblances? What things do you predict will happen to your child in the future? What college will he or she go to in the future? What messages of hope, or stories from your family generation do you want to pass on to your child? Write a “Message to the Future” letter to your baby and express these predictions or stories of love. You could even have friends and family members write letters also. How much fun would it be for your baby to read all these special messages, years later after graduation?

Whatever you do, make sure you save these top 10 things in a decorative keepsake like a Baby Time Capsule from https://www.timecapsule.com/product/milestone-collection-baby-time-capsule-keepsake-gift/.

What is something you wish you kept, from your baby’s first year? Comment below.


Making Milestone Moments Count,

– Marcie




Notes: Check out other creative ideas of mementos to save at http://davonneparks.com/school-papers-and-other-mementos/.