How to Make a Family Time Capsule
Sometimes we get so busy in this world we forget to be a child again or we forget the fun in lost art or activities. A time capsule is one of these activities that we can make, and then years later open and say “Oh, that was really cool.” When you open it up, it is going to be something that is meaningful and says a lot about your life at that time.
What to Put in a Time Capsule
Put things that mean something to your family from this year. Fill out a time capsule quiz or questionnaire for each family member to fill out. You could ask questions like what is your favorite movie, song, food, sport, restaurant, tv show, shoe size, and thought provoking questions like, what do you want to be when you grow up. A time capsule is a great personalized gift. Also collect daily receipts so you know the price of a gallon of milk, bread, gas, etc. Get a newspaper so you know the current events, or make your own year in review worksheet by looking up topics on the internet. Also, make sure to include your important pictures in the time capsule too. I am sure you have plenty on your cell phone you can print off on acid free photo paper. Most importantly, include “Message to the Future” letters from yourself, parents, or grandparents. What a special moment it will be to read a letter from your grandfather years later, when he may no longer be living. Don’t forget to put your “Do Not Open Until” date at the top on the lid. To help make sure you do not have any early peekers, you could even seal the lid with clear box tape.
Fill your time capsule with mementos from your family’s year. Where did you go on vacation? What funny or special sayings did your family say, that are inside jokes only you know? Include these fun sayings in a small journal or notebook in the time capsule. What tangible souvenirs or memorabilia could you include in the time capsule that would make you laugh years from now? Where do you see yourself in the future? Where do you see the world in the future?
Bad Santa
Every year, my family does what we call, “Bad Santa.” It is kind of like a white elephant game in which we find odd things or left over items around our house to wrap up in Christmas paper and give away as gifts. You draw numbers and each one picks out a gift in order of the numbers. It is a fun way to reminisce as you may get an old gift back from the past that someone has given you. It is amazing the funny stories and laughter that arises as we go around opening the gifts.
When you time capsule is opened, I am sure it will be a similar atmosphere of laughter as you reminisce about what toys and gadgets you thought was cool in the past, versus the future. Will we even have cell phones in the future? We rely on them so much today, it is hard to imagine a life without them but I suppose it is possible. What would your predictions be for our future? Put a list in the time capsule, discussing what you think will happen to humans in the future? Will your predictions come true? The only way to find out is to get a time capsule and start making your list today, to open years later. Get your “Any Occasion” DIY Time Capsule from
Meaning of a Time Capsule
You could also make a video of your family this Christmas to pass on to your grandchildren so they will know what life was like when you were a child. As you family acts goofy together this holiday, gathers around the dinner table and gives thanks, sings a few songs, and shares stories, also make sure to talk about the following.
– Your Memories
– Your Plans
– Your Love for each other as a family. (Be nice.)
– Your Background and who you are in the family.
– Your Advice. What helps you make difficult decisions in life?
– What you do for fun. What you want to do with your life.
– Your favorite family recipe.
– Your most embarrassing story.
– Favorite family bonding activities.
– Your favorite family story.
– Where you think your parents hide your presents before wrapping them for Christmas.
– What movie best describes your current family? (It would be interesting to hear the different answers from family members).
– etc.
So as you come together as a family this Christmas, what stories and traditions do you want to keep alive in your family? Make sure to preserve them in your time capsule, to pass on to future generations of grandchildren. For other great ideas of what to put in a family time capsule, read this article here.
What is one item you would include in your Family Time Capsule? Comment below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie
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