Creative Ways to Save College Money for Baby
Looking for creative ways to save college money for your baby. Congratulations on being a first time parent. I am sure there are many things going through your head right now. This is an exciting new time in your life. I know for many parents, as they have a new baby, one of the major things they try to take care of is starting a college savings fund. You may feel like your personal piggy bank account is anorexic after having your baby, however this is also a time to plan for the future life of your child. It seems like tuition rates increase about every year. When you start now, it makes it easier as your child is ready to go off to college.
1. Open a baby’s college savings fund, IRA, or Roth IRA
It is never to early to start saving money for your child’s college. You could even ask friends and family members to help get the savings started at your baby shower by donating to their college fund.
2. Save coupons
You would be surprised at how much money you save up over time, if you donate the amount you save from a coupon into their college fund.
3. Accept Hand Me Down items
Mothers love to help out other mothers. Accept hand me down items, like clothes, toys, walkers, strollers, etc and calculate how much you would have spent on each one. Then, put that money saved into the baby’s college savings account. It all adds up over time.
4. Find a friend or family member to babysit
I would love to just pick up my work and take it to my niece’s house to help my sister in law out financially. Not everyone can do this I know, however many times there is a family member or friend who may know of a friend (who charges cheap) to watch your baby while you are at work. It never hurts to look around and ask. Put the extra money you would be spending on a normal daycare or babysitter aside in your baby’s college fund.
5. Celebrate a Milestone event in your child’s life with a money card
When your baby grows up and has their birthdays, graduation, first communion, bar mitzah, gets straight A’s on their report card, or other milestone moment events, family and friends can send a card with money in it specifically donating to their college fund.
6. Save all change in a basket
When you go somewhere to eat, get gas, or do anything try to pay with cash. When you get change back, throw it in a basket to go donate to your child’s college fund at the bank later. Again, change adds up fast.
7. Buy cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers
If you have to, have a diaper themed baby shower, and each guest to bring at least one cloth diaper. Reusing cloth diapers alone, will help the savings add up over time, which means more money in your baby’s college fund. When guests feel like they are buying the cloth diaper for a good cause and it is a part of your baby shower party fun, then they are more likely to do it and bring one.
8. Get a library card
When you go to your local library, many times there are many free books to read to your child, videos to watch, or CDs to help your baby go to sleep. All these will add up and save money to donate to your baby’s college fund instead. Many times your baby is so young that he or she will not even remember some of the books until he/she starts growing up. So save the money, and go to the library to get them.
9. Use Credit Cards wisely
There are credit cards and programs like Upromise or BabyMint, which help you save money for your baby’s college fund by donating a percentage of everyday purchases to your child’s savings account.
10. Use a Baby Time Capsule as a Piggy Bank
Set a baby time capsule in your baby’s nursery on a shelf to collect savings bonds, or put money in each time a birthday card comes from grandma or other loved ones. You can also save things like baby’s first shoes or other sentimental mementos in the time capsule, for your baby to open when he or she graduates high-school. How much money will be saved in this time capsule, or their first piggy bank? You can even leave “Message to the Future” letters of predictions or words of advice for the baby in the time capsule. See if your predictions of what college they go to comes true when they open the time capsule 18 to 20 years later. Get your decorative Baby Time Capsule here today.
So have you heard of some creative ways to save college money for baby? Share your ideas in the comments below.
Making Milestone Moments Count,
– Marcie